Ground slides are local geological phenomenon due to ground erosion. These slow instable areas must be controlled when they threat dwellings or roads.
Electro-optical systems developed for slide control are limited by low visibility in severe weather conditions (rain, snow, fog) and during the nights.
Cesigma has developed a ground slide control system based on satellite positioning technique.
This system provides automatic and accurate control. A sensors ‘network’ covers the slide area and performs the detection of weak motions.
Alarm procedures can be anticipated by making comparison of the measures from sensors with a modelisation.
SlideScanâ system controls ground slide by using satellite positioning sensors (GPS) distributed over the slide area. Satellite positioning technique provides optimal control whatever the weather conditions and all the time.
Measures accuracy is obtained by using differential technique. A base station generates differential correction on position and allows up to 1 cm position accuracy.
Control unit analyses in real time position variations transmitted from GPS-sensors. Data transmission is made by high speed rate radio link. When motions are detected, system warms the authorities who can follow precisely the evolution of ground slide.
ambiguïtés sur les mesures de position fournies
par les satellites sont levées grâce à
l’utilisation de la technique de recalage différentielle
des positions.