CeSigma is an operational research center and its members have collaborated in many military and civilian research projects in Signal Processing, Sub-Marine Acoustic Detection, Infrared, Radar and embedded Electronic.
Study of a ‘short base’ positioning system for high depth sub-marine vehicles
Impulse noises characterization in noisy environments (sub-marine environment, nuclear boilers);
Passive detection, localization and tracking of sub-marine objects;
Studies on parallel architectures and computer structures for Images and Signal Processing;
Studies on a passive detection system of divers with acoustics passive techniques;
Shapes recognition and classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar images;
Real time infrared images processing for a naval infrared search and track system;
Study on an auto-pilot system for land vehicle with images processing techniques;
Development of a multi-channel acquisition and processing system for an experimental mine detection Sonar system (256 acquisition channels);
Studies on impulse noises detection techniques